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Ally Langley, MBTP Trainee, Wins Award at 2019 SACNAS Conference

November 6, 2019

Ally Langley, MBTP Trainee, Wins Award at 2019 SACNAS Conference

Picture of Ally Langley (left) after receiving her SACNAS Conference presentation award. Ally is pictured with fellow presentation award winner Regina Trevino (right), a Chemistry PhD student in the lab of MBTP Trainer, Dr. Hannah Shafaat.

Ally Langley, MBTP Trainee and 5th-year Chemistry PhD student in Dr. Tom Magliery's lab in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, was awarded a SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference Presentation Award for the Life Sciences: Biochemistry division at the 2019 SACNAS Conference that was held October 31st-November 2nd in Honolulu, HI. The title of Ally's talk was "High-Throughput Methods of Analyzing Beta-Sheet Protein Stability. The Molecular Biophysics Training Program trainers and trainees congratulate Ally on this award!